Scripture Reading: Romans 12
Key Scripture: Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God--what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect. ~Romans 12:2 (GNB)
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a standard is a level of quality or attainment. The Oxford dictionary also defines a standard as an idea or thing used as a measure, norm, or model in comparative evaluations. That was a mouthful but let’s break it down. Simply put, a standard is a principle that you live by. Meaning, Girls with Standards will not do things because everyone is doing it.
I know having standards have been perceived as a bad thing. In fact, I’ve heard people advise women and even men to “lower their standards” if they want to achieve x, y, or z. But my purpose today is to encourage you to have high standards and live by them. Don’t just settle for anything or anyone. Just so we’re clear and on the same page, the standards I am referring to are not a list of rules that I made up. The standard that I encourage you to live by is the Standard of God’s word.
In whatever you think, say, or do, are you living according to the standards of God’s word? Our key scripture in Romans 12:2 admonishes us not to conform to the standards of this world, but to be transformed inwardly by renewing our minds through God’s word. We renew our minds by changing our thoughts to reflect what God says in His word. As a man thinks in his heart so is he (Proverbs 23:7). So the first step to living by the standards of God’s word is to let God’s word change your mind.
God’s word cannot change your mind if you do not know what it says. And believe me, there is nothing you will go though in this life that God has not already provided guidance for in His word. But you have to know what the word says to apply it to your life.
I want to challenge you to commit to reading at least one chapter of the Bible per day this year. The Bible can be overwhelming sometimes but using a daily devotional like this one or the Bible app can help guide you on where to read. There are different Bible reading plans on the Bible app to help get you started. Make a decision to read the Bible daily today!
How can I make time to read the Bible more this year? What activities or tasks can I give up to make room for daily Bible reading?
Dear Lord, I have learned that I must live by the standards of Your word and not by the standards of this world. Please help me to read the Bible daily so that I can renew my mind and live according to Your Standards.
Practical Application
- Set a time daily for Bible study.
- Make Bible reading the first thing you do when you wake up.
- Share your commitment to reading the Bible daily with a like-minded friend who can keep you accountable. Send a text to that friend after you have completed your daily reading and encourage them to do the same.
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